Thursday, March 21, 2013



Time was the architect as the only person to engage with when planning to build. However, with the changing times, i.e. sustainable design, renewable energy, seismic design, soil design, concrete design, lighting design, design/build, etc., it has become more and more apparent that designers are special and are specializing in a specific field of construction as demand is growing with consumer awareness. In the past architects did most everything including light planning. Today, light design experts are in cultural demand, engaging in creating solutions. Good design and low energy will no longer be an oxymoron. Experience and memory will be recognized design values. Cost has been a key driver, other factors such as risk, energy use, and the cost of maintenance now drive solutions.
Knowledge (book smart) may be what is necessary for an architect to achieve his degree, but without hands-on building skills, he lacks an important part of an architectural education.
There becomes a disconnect between drawing something and building it. Hands-on experience cannot be taught in a classroom or with a computer. Design improves with lessons learned the hard way thru every façade of the construction industry. Today, the design/build evolution has proven to be the leading choice for a good design with follow thru and is an amazing industry producing amazing results. Knowing engineering also gives an added edge to a well designed project. Today, a licensed structural engineer is required for most plans designed by an architect. This leaves the architect or designer to only create the set of plans and provide city plan services. Other design experts are required energy codes, geology, mechanical and electrical . . . to mention a few. Not all architects or designers are created equal. Being a book smart and like to draw is one thing, to have a license is another. But to be a “right-brainer” has proven a God-given talent gives a good quality design and is definitely recognized. The left hemisphere of our brain is associated with analyzing details, performing mechanical calculations and more engineering part of our thinking. The right hemisphere is the synthesizer, seeing the “big picture” and is creative part of our intellect. Creative thinkers (right-brainers) will be how design will rule the future. High-concept and high-touch aptitudes are moving from the periphery of our lives to the center. Design has permeated every aspect of life and the psychology of consumer. Preferences drives creative design.
It may not be “political correct” to ask a designer if he or she is left-handed, but what is the difference asking if licensed!
Perhaps, what is needed is the eastern concept of Shoshihn, translated as “beginner’s mind”. An attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions when studying subject, even when studying at an advanced level, just as a beginner in that subject would. The best artist practi9ce Shoshihn without knowing the term.
A good designer will be yours rather than only being solicited and appreciated by a knowing elite.

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